Sunday, April 7, 2013

21 weeks

Yes I finally put up bump photos. Pregnancy has been one of the hardest things I have done in my life up to this point, between insomnia, morning sickness, and migraines, I have not felt my joyful self, thank you God for an amazing husband who takes such good care of me. But as of two weeks ago things are starting to look up and I am feeling more like my old self with the exception of the new belly and a sweet little babe inside who is now moving around like crazy all the time. So here are the first official much requested bump photos.

21 weeks


  1. You are beautiful! I'm so happy for you, Pietze. And Jonny and the little one too! :)

  2. Ahhhhhhhh!! This is crazy! I'm so happy for you sis! Love you guys a ton!

  3. You are so beautiful! I love pregnant Pietze! :)

  4. Oh, my goodness, I love this! (well not the migraines, and morning sickness, and insomnia) Hang in there honey! I had all that stuff. It's totally worth it. You're gonna be such a great mama. :)

